P1 and P2/1 Maths Activity!
Hello everyone..
This morning we are going to practise forming our number correctly.
Here is a fun activity for you to try:
First of all watch and practise writing your numbers with your ‘magic finger’ in the air.
Next put some gloopy food on a tray or plate and trace or copy your numbers with a finger. You can try any squishy food- such as yoghurt, custard or angel delight. Can you take a picture of your work?
If your child dislikes getting messy, then put the gloopy food in a zip-lock food bag to get the sensation without the messy feeling! Fill the bag about a quarter full, and squeeze out all the air. You will need to tape the bag down to enable the letters to be formed more easily.
Mrs Ross, Ms Suen and Mrs Carr