P.4 Writing Activity for Week Beginning 22nd June
Good morning P.4!
I can’t quite believe we’re in the last week of term, can you?
This week I’d like you to use the Isolation picture, dated June 25th – https://www.pobble365.com/isolation
I think this might be quite an interesting one to do given that we’ve been quite isolated ourselves for the last few months!
Please make sure you follow the link, as the pictures were jumping to October for some reason. If you have any issues getting it to load, use the calendar tab in the top right corner to choose June 25th.
Just like in the last few weeks, start with Question Time – find somebody to have a chat with about the picture. No need to write anything down.
Next, try Sick Sentences, then choose one Story Starter and have a go at continuing and finishing the story.
The pack is attached for anybody that prefers to print it out. Isolation
I hope you enjoy a well earned rest from home-school when Friday comes, and I’ll look forward to seeing you in August.
Mrs Black