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Primary 5: Home Learning 22nd June

Hello boys and girls!

Can you believe that we are now in the final week of Primary 5? Sometimes it feels like just yesterday we were in school together but sometimes it feels like a life time away. We hope you are all keeping well and are looking forward to the summer holidays.

Below are a range of different activities to try. The ones with an asterisk (*) are ones we would like you to complete so we can hand on to your new teacher. If completing them on paper, can you please either take a photo and upload into your personal folder or hand into the school office.

Mrs Davies and I have a few meetings next week and will be in school to organise our classrooms, so please be aware we may not always be contactable on Teams.

Keep an eye out for an announcement on Wednesday this week!

Enjoy your final week in Primary 5.


Mrs Davies & Miss Gorman

Health & Well-being
Wellbeing Questionnaire* (pages 3-4)
Getting to Know You Booklet*
SHANARRI Wellbeing Evaulation activity*
End of school year round-up Discussion activity


  • 23rd June 1989 – Batman Premiered in cinemas. Create a comic with your favourite superheroes or design your own superhero.
  • 24th June 1901 – Pablo Picasso held his first exhibition. Research and then create a piece of art work in the style of Picasso
  • 25th June 1852 – Antoni Gaudi was born. He is most well known for designing the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. Draw a picture of part of the Sagrada Familia (try to focus on the small details)

A Little Bit of Everything!
end of year booklet
End of Term Activity Book (1) – This is an interactive PDF. Click the ‘Go’ icon to be taken to the activity.
Ice Lolly Recipe Ideas
Summer word search (online)
My star moments at home
CBBC Quizzes (online) or Newsround Quiz of the Week (online)
P5 General Knowledge Quiz (PowerPoint)
P5 (Y4) Summer Themed Maths Booklet – Questions

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