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Primary 3 Week 11

Hello Primary 3!

Myself and Mrs Russell hope you have had a wonderful weekend.
I have been going on bike rides with my dog Otter. He sits in a special bag on my back 
Here is a wee video of a bike ride we went on a couple of weeks ago. Excuse my heavy breathing I had just gone up a big hill!!

Look how sunny it was! Fingers crossed for better weather this week

Below is a copy of this week’s Learning Grid and any worksheets you need. Remember you can email Mrs Russell or I with work you would like to share at:

First Level Learning Grid Week 11

Shape colouring

shape colouring 2

Cube net

Prism net

Match 3Dshapes to nets

2D and 3D shape Assessment Week 11

Spelling Bingo Challenge

Spelling Words Week 9 kn and og

Spelling Words Week 10 mb and ock

Missing you all!
Love Miss Buchanan and Mrs Russell

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