P2 RME- The story of Abraham
Hello Primary 2! Last week we looked at what happens at Passover in a Jewish home. Today we are going to move onto looking at some stories told to Jewish children in their homes at family times.
The first story today is the story of God’s Promise to Abraham. We are going to watch 3 small cartoon videos which will tell us the story. At the top right hand corner of this You tube screen you will see a little lined box with a play sign in the corner. Click on it and go to episode 7. Click on that and watch episode 7 (Abrahmam and Lot), episode 8 (Abram to Abraham) and episode 9(Sarah Laughs) I hope you enjoy them.
God made a special promise to Abraham? What is a promise? Talk to someone in your house about this. Have you ever made a promise to someone? Did you keep it. Did god keep his promise? Promises are very special and you should never make them unless you know for sure that you can keep them.
Task :- We are going to make a a picture of Abraham outside of his tent. Attached is the template to colour and cut out and a short video showing you how to make it.
Have fun!