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P1 and P2/1 Monday 15th June 2020

Hello everyone!

I can’t believe we only have 2 weeks until the holidays begin.  I bet you can’t wait!  You have all been working so hard you deserve a little break (and all your parents and carers too).  You have all been doing a wonderful job with the home schooling. ⭐

Here are some activities for you to try out this week.  Remember, we don’t expect you to do everything, just do as much as you can.


15_06_20 Literacy Grid

Mavis 4

Mouse (Summer)

These are Oxford Reading Tree worksheets for Stages 2 – Stage 5

Choose which ones  you feel most confident with.

Apples –  Stage 4 or you can even have a go at Stage 5 if you feel like a challenge!

Bananas – Stage 3, 4 or 5

Oranges – Stage 2 or 3

Pears – Stage 2 0r 3





Stage 2 bingo


15_06_20 Maths Grid

This week you can reinforce your learning of some telling the time, skip counting and money tasks.



Skip_Counting Practical_Activity_Suggestions







Have a look at the PowerPoint below to see if you can work out the answers to any of the challenges.

Maths Mastery Activities PowerPoint

Choose which worksheets  you would like to complete. Are you confident enough to try the number bonds up to 100?




HEALTH & WELLBEING  ‍♂️⛹‍♀️‍♀️‍♂️‍♀️‍♂️

If we had been in school this week it would have been Health Week.

It is very important for all us us to stay as fit and healthy as we can. Have a look at the activities below to see if there is anything you think you would like to try. Some can be done indoors if the weather isn’t very nice.

Start your day with some yoga!

Yoga Cards

Remember how to Stay Safe when crossing a road.

Crossing the Road Safely Powerpoint

Eating a healthy and balanced diet is very important too. 

Healthy Food I spy

Healthy Foods Checklist

Healthy Eating Lunch Activity

It is always very important to keep ourselves clean, but especially at this time.

Here is a game for you to play with your family. It has the same rules as Snakes and Ladders!

Germs and Ladders Board Game 

Last of all, don’t forget to brush your teeth! In the morning and last thing at night is the best time.

Here are some writing sheets for you to write down the instructions. These can be printed or you can write the instructions in your jotter.

How to Brush Your Teeth Writing Templates

Finally, A big  THANK YOU to LM for sharing some of his work with me! ⭐

He has been very busy, as you can see. I think being a member of the S.W.A.T. team would be a very exciting job but maybe a little bit dangerous too! If anyone else wants to share their work with us please email it to:

We would love to see what you have been doing!

Have fun!

We miss you all very much.

Mrs Meek, Ms Suen and Mrs Carr






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