French- P2/1 and P1 French numbers (2)
Bonjour! I hope you are all working hard but finding lots of time to play too! Last time we looked at the French numbers from 1-10. Are you are still practising them?
Step 1:- You are going to listen to the French Numbers song(Numbers Song in French.Une Chanson des Chiffres.)
If you can join in counting then please do. You will be counting forwards and backwards from 1-10. This is a small challenge! Good Luck.
Step 2:- Last time we had flash cards of the numbers to help us. If you don’t have them here they are again to help you. french 1-10 flashcards
Step 3:- Have a look at Les Nombres(The numbers) work sheet. You need to colour in the numbers and draw a line from the French word to the number and then write the word on the line below it. If you can’t print it out, please don’t worry! You can write your numbers in bubble writing or rainbow writing in your jotter and write the French words underneath them.
Step 4:- You can play the “Find me,” game with someone in your house. They can ask you to find something using the french number word. eg Find me deux red objects. You have to find 2 red things in the house. You can also play Combien? Your partner holds up some things(eg, 3 pencils ) and says,” Combien ?” – This means how may . You need to reply in french, so you would say ,”trois.”
Have fun playing!