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Bonjour, ça va :)

Bonjour (Good morning ) ça va (how are you)?

The sky looks absolutely amazing just now and i’m hoping that it will stay like this for the rest of the day. Nice weather means that you can be out for your ‍♀️‍♂️run or walk‍♂️‍♀️ or play ‍♀️‍♂️in your garden!

Here’s an idea for you: spend a little time looking at the clouds⛅ today and imagine what the clouds⛅ look like!

I saw one that looked like a puppy yesterday!


Mrs. Meek passed on another very lovely piece of writing ✍ from LM in P1M. You’ve got very lovely hand writing L ! Primary 1 and Primary 2/1, if there’s anything you did or made at home and you are proud of or just want to show us, please do send it to





Another big well done to those who tried to do the challenges and assessments on Sumdog. If you have not looked at it yet, they will be up for 5 more days until new ones are up. Take your time and Give it a go! Keep practising

Remember what SC (P1S) always reminds us, ‘ Practice makes Perfect!’

Last but not least for our morning post (DRUM ROLL PLEASE)

A STORY for you all lovely smiley faces ‍♂️‍♀️

The Story is called Quick Quack Quetin by Kes Gray and Jim Field. 

Quick Quak Quetin

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