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P2 Story

Hello boys and girls. How are you all? Mrs Duff and I were both thinking that it would be nice to give you a story to listen to. I tried to tape myself reading it but it didn’t work out very well and I was getting a bit annoyed with myself for not being able to do it very well. It made me think about how we can sometimes get upset because we can’t do what others can. We think we are not as good as someone else and that maybe even others don’t like us because we are different.

I thought I would a share a story which is about being Special. Mrs Duff and I think that every one of you is Special and we are glad you are all different. The world would be very boring if we were all the same. Don’t ever believe that you are not special and important. I hope you will enjoy the story.

Take care, have fun outside and keep smiling. We miss you all very much.

Love Mrs Duff and Mrs Kohler


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