Primary 5: Home Learning 11th May
Please ensure you use the supporting materials to help you, as well as having access to them here you can find them on Teams (P5 2019-20 > General channel > Files > Weekly Resources > Wkb 11th May).
Priority tasks should be uploaded into the appropriate Assignment.
Any additional work should be uploaded into your own ‘Personal Folder’ (P5 2019-20 > General channel > Files > Personal Folders).
This week’s home learning grid can be found here: 11th May Home Learning
Reading with sound effects (Word document)
Reading with sound effects (PDF version)
If you are unable to record yourself for this task you could complete a storyboard/comic strip to show how sound could be added.
Creating a Character PowerPoint Please use this to support you in your writing
Character Description Bubble
Show Dont Tell Worksheet (Word document)
Show Dont Tell Worksheet (PDF version)
Supporting Resources
Emotion Works Toolkit for Character Writing
Squares & Triangles
coordinates squares and triangles (Word document)
coordinates squares and triangles (PDF version)
Circle zoo coordinates and Circles Writing Directions
Chili Challenge (optional)
coordinates chilli challenge (Word document)
coordinates chilli challenge (PDF version)
Health & Wellbeing Resources*
End of Year Reflection (Word document)
End of Year Reflection (PDF version)
Additional Activities Resources
VE Day Celebrations
What is VE Day?
Makaton Video
Design a VE Day medal
Outdoor Learning
Shape Challenges (Word document)
Shape Challenges (PDF version)
Health & Wellbeing
PE Challenge Cards SET 2
Problem Solving
Science: Friction
Create a Hover Craft
A Guide on how to use the different channels on teams can be here: P5 Teams Guide