P6 W/B 4th May - Learning Grid
Good morning Primary 6, we hope you are all well. Although you are technically on holiday today and tomorrow some of you might want to keep busy, so we are posting this week’s tasks early. Please find the learning grid attached along with all of the resources you will need.
The 4 main activities have been set as assignments on Teams. Some of the activities have mild, spicy, hot and extra hot versions for you to choose from. Please make sure you are challenging yourself and using the other supporting resources to help you. Full instructions for each activity are on the learning grid, please read them carefully and if you have any questions you can ask us here or in the General Channel on Teams.
Mr Blackwood and I have also set challenges on Sumdog Spelling, Grammar and Maths so it would be great to see even more of you using it as we know how much you enjoy it. Have a great week and stay safe
Learning Grid
Spicy – The Dangers of Smoking