P7 Learning for this week.
Good Morning Primary 7! This week we are going to change the way we are working slightly. Every Monday myself and Mrs Ross will post a learning grid and all resources linked to this grid. There will be four assignments to complete and a selection of choice activities (the learning grid explains all). This is very similar to how we have been working so far. All work for the week ahead will be posted on the school blog and on Teams.
Mrs Ross and Miss McKean
MILD 1-12 Times-Tables Challenge Booklet
Rewrite the stars- Comprehension
Usain Bolt- Mild, Spicy or Hot Writing Challenge (1)
Link to the quiz – https://forms.office.com/Pages/DesignPage.aspx?Host=Teams&lang=%7blocale%7d&groupId=%7bgroupId%7d&tid=%7btid%7d&teamsTheme=%7btheme%7d&upn=%7bupn%7d#FormId=oyzTzM4Wj0KVQTctawUZKSL-KgUohUtBk2gCUWi2hfhUQjRDSTVUNTVTRVNFTlFEMThHNEJHOFJPSSQlQCN0PWcu
Additional Tasks