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Primary 5 Home Learning: 27th April

Another week into lockdown! We hope you are all keeping well and staying busy. We have loved talking to you over Teams and seeing your wonderful work! We’ve been particularly impressed with how well some of you are picking up British Sign Language and seem to be enjoying it.

Moving forward we will be continuing with using our learning grid. Please try to complete the ‘priority tasks’, these are the ones marked with a star. These should be uploaded into the correct Assignment by the end of the week. Please read instructions and the resources carefully. If you need any assistance then feel free to drop us a message on the comments section below, or your children can contact us directly on Teams during the normal school hours.

You will notice we still have ‘Additional Tasks’. These are extensions of work to challenge you or some activities that will allow you to try something new/different. Please feel free to do as many as you like. You can upload evidence (photos, drawings, word documents, PowerPoints etc) of these activities into the P5 2019-20 page under the ‘Additional Activities’ channel.

Keep up the good work boys and girls, and stay safe!

Mrs Davies & Miss Gorman

This week’s home learning grid can be found here: 27th April Home Learning

Resources for Literacy  (*)

NHS Comprehension
NHS Comprehension Q5 image (Word document)
NHS Comprehension Q5 image (PDF version)
Thinking Reader Strategies (PowerPoint version)
Thinking Reader Strategies (PDF version)

Describing a Setting (PowerPoint version)
Describing a Setting (PDF version)
Description Bubble (Word document)
Description Bubble (PDF version)
Core Targets and self-assessment grid (Word document)
Core Targets and self-assessment grid (PDF version)

Resources for Numeracy  (*)

Subtraction Strategies (PowerPoint version)
Subtraction Strategies (PDF version)

Squares 27th April  (Word document)
Squares 27th April (PDF version)

Triangles 27th April (Word document)
Triangles 27th April (PDF version)

Circles 27th April (Word document)
Circles 27th April (PDF version)

Resources for Health & Well-being  (*)
Over the course of this year we’ve placed a particular focus on kindness and building positive relationships in the classroom, playground and across the school. For this task we want you to consider the qualities which you believe a good friend should possess and take some time to reflect on your own qualities.
A Good Friend

Resources for Additional Tasks

Health & Well-being
Keep a diary or create a time capsule! In years to come this will be something memorable to look back on, a historical event that changed the world. Even if you write down a couple of lines a day or draw a picture, it’ll be amazing to reflect on. Keeping a diary is a good regulation tool too as you can express your emotions freely and write down/share your worries. We’ve included a couple of templates but feel free to use your own:
COVID Time Capsule
Home Learning Diary
Fitness Diary

Problem Solving
Try your hand at these online problem solving activities
Coded 100 Square:
Count Down:

A ‘calligram’ is a word or piece of text in which the design and layout of the letters creates a visual image related to the meaning of the words themselves.

British Sign Language
BSL colours – colouring sheet

Bug Hotel

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