P3 RME- Senses in Shabbat 3
Well Primary 3, this is the last RME lesson of the school year ! The next time I see you, you will be in Primary 4.
Can you remember what part of Shabbat we explored last week? We were using our senses and looking at some other features of Shabbat. What are our senses? Smell, sight hearing, taste and touch. We watched a video from BBC Bitesize about Shabbat in the synagogue. What things happened that we need to use our senses for?
- Hearing – singing, Rabbi reading in Hebrew.
- Touching – cover on the torah Scrolls
- Sight ��� prayer shawl, Kippah, eternal light, Torah scrolls
Today we are going to be finding out what happens at the closing of Shabbat. Remember to keep thinking about your senses.
Step 1:- We are going to watch the BBC Bitesize video on the closing of Shabbat.
What senses were used?
- Smell – spices in spice box, burning candle, wine
- Taste – wine
- Hear – singing , blessing
- See – Havdallah candle, wine and spices.
Talk to someone in your house about what you noticed.
The picture shows the wine cup, spice box and Havdallah candle.
step 2:- We are going to finish off with a sequencing activity. We have been focusing on our senses but have learnt lots about Shabbat. To complete the activity you need to cut out the words and stick them under the correct picture. You then need to put the pictures in the correct order of how things happen during Shabbat. Whe you are finished you can colour in the pictures if you like.