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P5 Teams Information

Good morning Primary 5!

Teams is being a little temperamental this morning, how wonderful (!), so we’ve attached some files below to get you started.

Monday 11th January 2021

2021_01_11 Timetable

Starter Challenges
P5A Miss Gorman Monday Morning Starter Challenge
P5B Miss Armstrong Smart Start-1

Monday Spelling Task
We are learning to spelling words containing the phonemes ‘ae’ and ee’

Thinking Reader
We are learning to use strategies before and during reader to help us better understand a text.

  1. Access the PowerPoint Thinking Reader – Prior Knowledge PowerPoint
  2. Read through the task to understand what is required
  3. Complete the task using the word document template or a way which suits you (Word document, paper and pencil, OneNote class notebook) Thinking Reader – Prior Knowledge Worksheet
  4. Check over work to ensure you have answered in sentences using correct grammar

Information and Guides
Here are some helpful guides to help you navigate Teams, once we’re up and running fully again! Please read over and familiarise yourself with them.

Primary 5 Teams Guide
P5 Collaborative Meetings

Miss Armstrong and Miss Gorman

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