Good Morning P1R, P1C and P2/1C
Good Morning Primary 1 and Primary 2/1. Happy new year to you all! We hope you have had a lovely holiday and lots of fun playing in the snow!
Here is our first daily timetable of the week. This week we will post all activities on the school blog and next week move over to seesaw.
Today we are going to have a little look at our single sounds. Below is an initial sound activity for you to complete. Discuss the pictures with an adult and circle the correct sound that each picture begins with. Can you think of anymore words beginning with that letter?
Primary 2 Challenge:
Can you create some simple sentences using the pictures.
For example: The apple is red.
Below are some ‘Parent’s Guides’ to explain the literacy programme that we use in Harrysmuir a little further. Please have a little look over these and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Literacy Overview- 11th January
Thank you,
Mrs Ross, Mrs Carr & Ms Suen