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Final results of Sumdog competition

Hello Primary 2! Happy Friday! I think the sun is trying very hard to peek through the clouds.

The Sumdog competition finished last night. Can I say a massive WELL DONE to all of those who take part.

P2D ended up in 34th position out of 178 classes – AMAZING! Some well earned coins on the way to those who took part. I hope you enjoyed it.

Special mention: drum roll pleaseto HL in P2D who was 12th and OC in P2K who was 17th (out of 1961 pupils)  WOW. What stars !

Thank you to all of you who have worked and played on Sumdog so well over lockdown. You all deserve a huge round of applause.❤

Feel free to continue over the summer holidays if you want.

Have a lovely summer all of you and remember to have fun and stay safe. Looking forward to seeing you in August.

Love from Mrs Duff and Mrs Kohler (Well Mrs Kohler won’t see you in August but I’m sure she will be thinking of us all. Happy retirement Mrs Kohler.)

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