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Phonics for Week Beginning 22nd June - ALL of Mrs Blacks Goups

Good morning boy and girls (and adults!)

Well I can’t quite believe we’re in the final week of the school term! For this week, keep following the same pattern with the Read Write Inc lessons on YouTube. All the links are in the previous posts and will take you to all the resources you need.

Exciting News! The Ruth Miskin Training Facebook page announced this week that they will continue to run the live lessons right through to the end of August. So if you want to keep practising over the summer, you have access to the youtube lessons, as well as all the resources on Oxford Owl.

I’ve attached a photo outlining all the different lessons available as a reminder.

I hope you all enjoy a well earned break from home-school when Friday comes, and I’ll look forward to seeing everyone in August!

Mrs Black

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