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P2 Learning Grids 08.06.20

Hello Primary 2! How are you all?

We hope you all had a great weekend. Mrs Kohler saw her daughter and grandchildren at the weekend. I saw my Mum on Saturday and it was her birthday too. Happy to see her but sad because I couldn’t hug her (soon hopefully). I saw my son yesterday. It was the first time in 12 weeks, so that was fantastic.

Remember to let us know how you are getting on at We love hearing from you.

Here’s a copy of this week’s Learning Grids and any worksheets you need. Try your best!

Love from Mrs Duff and Mrs Kohler

2020_06_08 P2 LITERACY GRID

2020_06_08 P2 MATHS GRID


08_06_20 P2 SHAPE

08_06_20 P2 Data Handling

08_06_20 P2 Time Worksheet


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