P2/1 and P1 RME- Who cares for us at school?
Good morning girls and boys! I know it has been a long time since we have all seen each other, but please don’t forget that lots of people in our school care about you. Today we are going to be thinking about just that! Who are the people who care about you and help you in school?
Step 1:- Take a few minutes to think about this and talk to someone in your house about it. Try to write down who the people are. I wonder if you managed to remember them all. I thought of :-
- The Class Teachers
- The Managment team(Head teacher, Depute head and Principal teachers)
- RME, Music, PE, Dance and drama teachers
- Support Assistants
- Office Staff
- Janitor
- Cleaners
- Kitchen Staff
- Older Children
Did you think of any one else?
Step 2:- Now have a think about what they do for you? Talk to someone in your house about this. eg. Miss Anderson(Support assistant)- helps with my reading, looks after me in the playground, helps me in the dinner hall and takes care of me if I fall in the playground.
Step 3:- Look at the attached sheet. Choose 4 different people in the school who help you and draw them in the boxes. Write underneath them who they are. If you want to work even harder you could also write what they do for you. If you don’t have a printed sheet you can draw and write about the people on a piece of paper.
Step 4:- Lastly just have a wee think about what you could do to help any of them.