P1M 26th May
Just a final update on our latest Sumdog Challenges and Assessments.
Friday 22nd was the last day to take part in these, so thank you to everyone who completed them!
Days & Months Challenge – Well done! – LM, FF, MMcK, SS, VL, EC, PM and TM.
Subtract within 5 Challenge – Well done! – LM. MMcK, FF, SS, TM, LB, VL, PM and EC.
Number Word Assessment – Congratulations! – EC, FF, LB, LM.
Well done! – VL,SS, MMcK, and AR.
3D Shape Assessment – Congratulations! – EC, FF, AA and LB.
Well done! – AR, LM, MMcK, SS, VL.
Some coins are on their way to you all as a reward!
Thank you to LM for sending me this fantastic piece of writing about a very interesting, but also very SCARY job! You certainly would have to be VERY brave to be a Smokejumper!!
It is always lovely seeing some of the work you have been doing!
Take care boys and girls.
Mrs Meek