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P3 Week 7

Good morning Primary 3

Miss Buchanan and I are still missing all our chats with you. We hope you all had a good weekend and were able to do something fun on the Monday holiday.

Here is the grid and worksheets for this weeks home learning. Remember the important work is in yellow and if you wish to do more, there are suggested activities for you.

The West Lothian Sumdog competition is on till Thursday and we really need to beat Mr Blackwood’s class!! We need to have at least 10 pupils taking part to get on the leader board so we are relying on you all!!

Take care and stay safe.

Mrs Russell

First Level Learning Grid Week 7 (1)

number_sequences_Week 7 Circles

number_sequences_Week 7 Tri and Squ

Spelling Bingo Challenge Week 7

Spelling Words Week 7 ff and ud (1)

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