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P1 and P2/1 Plant Topic

Good Morning boys and girls,

I hope you are all safe and well this week. I was wondering if any of you have managed to grow anything yet?

I have planted radish, cress, some tiny carrots and viola seeds and there are signs of them growing! I also noticed something happening in my strawberry pot so I’ll keep you posted on the progress! I must remember to keep them in a sunny position and not forget to water them every day because we know that plants definitely need these to help them grow!

My girls have had great fun creating their own fairy gardens and thought maybe you would like to try it too? They used gravel, stones, broken pieces of pottery they found on the shore, grass seed and some bits and bobs from their toy box!  I wonder what you might use to make yours?

Below are some photos (look closely and you might even spot a fairy!) and a short video that might give you some inspiration.


We would love to see some photos of your creations.

Stay safe

Mrs Carr, Mrs Meek & Miss Suen

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