RME-Primary 3 The Crying Camel.
Good Morning P3. I hope you enjoyed some of last week’s sunshine. I certainly did!
Last week we finished our work on the Six Main Muslim Beliefs. Remember the Arabic word for God is Allah . Today we are going to be reading a story about the Muslim Prophet Muhammad. There are lots of stories about him that help Muslims understand how much he loved Allah and always tried to do what Allah wanted him to do.They show how much he cared about animals as they are all part of Allah’s creation and deserve to be treated with kindness. We are going to be focusing on the story of the crying camel.
Step 1:- watch the little BBC video clip which shows a young girl briefly telling her brother some of the stories about Muhammad. The first one is , Muhammad and the Ants(We know this story!) and the second one is about the camel.
Step 2:- Read the powerpoint or pdf document of the story which will give you more details and help you do your task.
the crying camel – P3 or t2-re-721-the-crying-camel-powerpoint-
The story shows us Muslims belief in Allah as the creator and how it is the responsibility of humans to act as caretakers of all animals. Muhammad taught the man how he should be concerned about Allah’s creatures before being concerned about his pleasure.
Step 3:- Complete the Crying camel sheet. Colour in the picture of the camel and write 5 sentences telling me about the story. Remember the capital letter at the start and the full stop at the end of each sentence. If you can’t print the sheet then draw a picture of a camel in your jotter and write the sentences underneath it.
eg, 1.The Prophet Muhammad was walking through the gardens and heard a strange noise.
2.He saw a camel standing in the hot sunshine, tied to a wooden post.
I hope I get to see some lovely work from you Primary 3.