Hello everyone!
It’s a beautiful sunny day today, so I hope you can spend some time playing outside or going out for a walk. If you are lucky enough to have a garden you might have noticed how quickly everything is growing because of all this lovely warm sunshine we are having.
I have been enjoying spending time in my own garden and taking care of my plants and flowers, and I usually like to visit the Botanic Garden in Edinburgh at this time of year because the flowers and plants there are amazing. But, just like a lot of other places just now, the gardens are closed and we can’t visit them.
There is a black cat called Marley who lives in the Botanic Gardens and if you click on the link below then scroll down to click “Marley’s School of Garden Magic” you can then click on “Go exploring with Marley” and you can see some of the mischief he has been getting up to while he has the gardens all to himself…
You can even email Marley to ask him a question or for some help with the activities!
We usually spend the last term in school learning about how plants grow and planting some seeds so here are some activities for you to have a look at.
If we had been in school this week as normal we would have been making some lovely spring flowers to decorate our classroom walls. If you would like to make some paper hyacinths of your own have a look at the clip below.
Below are links to some worksheets for you to print at home, or if you come into school on Friday there might be someone who can print them for you to take home.
life-cycle-of-a-flower-cut-and-paste-activity (1)
Have fun!
Sumdog – Number Word Assessment & 3D Shape Assessment
Very well done! AA, AR, M McK, SS, and VL. You have all been working really hard.
Congratulations! EC, FF, LB and LM.
Mrs Meek, Miss Suen and Mrs Carr