My favourite time of the day
Hello Primary 1 Reading stories to you all has become one of my favourite things to do in the day! One of my pink fluffy friend joined us for story time today!
Before the story I would like to share a lovely piece of writing by KMG! He created a little story with pictures and remembered to use a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence. He included finger spaces and even a full stop at the end! Well done K !
If any of you did a piece of work you are proud of and would love to show Mrs Meek, Mrs Carr or myself, just ask your parents/ carers politely and send it to this email address:
Enjoy the story!
Today’s story is called Daisy and the Beastie by Jane Simmons.
(Ms Suen might have made a mistake saying some of the words today ! See if you can spot it!)